Mary is a single mom of 2 year old Max. She has an entry-level job in health care and is taking a medical terminology class to help her qualify for a better job. She struggles to maintain a car so she can get Max to Riverfront every day so she can work. Mary’s sister is disabled and unable to work or live alone andhas recently moved in with Mary. Gift cards to Walmart and ShopRite will help with groceries, diapers, and clothing. Gas cards are also needed. Riverfront will assist in paying rent and utilities with cash donations. Stop by or mail donations to RFCC, 476 Thames Street, Groton, CT 06340. Please be sure to note “Make A Difference” contribution. Questions can be directed to
LoKs Salon in Groton is running a coat drive in our honor through December 21st. Please consider a donation of gloves, mittens, scarves, snow suit or a coat for a local child. Questions or contributions can be directed to
The Riverfront Children’s Center leads a “march with music” from their school to the Bill Memorial Library in Groton, on the day before winter vacation.
Start: 9:30 am at 476 Thames St, Groton, CT 06340, USA
How to Join: Bring an instrument and join in!
For More Information: Contact Kersten at 860-445-8151 ext 3, or via email at
Pfizer volunteers will be onsite helping with outdoor painting and gardening projects, as well as spending time in preschool classrooms working on a lab presentation about hand washing!
Pfizer’s project-based day of volunteerism at Riverfront Children’s Center.
To Benefit the Riverfront Children’s Center
Cocktail Reception 6:00 PM-7:00 PM
Dinner, Silent Auction, Dancing and Music to Follow
Tickets purchased on or before September 30th – $100 per person
Tickets purchased as of October 1st – $125 per person
Please join us for a garden celebration of our students as they prepare to enter Kindergarten.
Make Music Southeastern CT is a part of the international Make Music Day movement which brings free, community-wide, outdoor musical celebrations to hundreds of cities worldwide. Riverfront will be participating by having music based projects in our beautiful gardens.
The Howling Hound Dogs will stop by to give a lunch time performance 11:00am – 12:00pm. Bring a brown bag lunch and join us outdoors for the concert! Learn more about the Howling Hound Dogs at:
The Coastal Reeds will be performing 4:00pm – 5:00pm in our gardens.
Open to members and non-members. Donations of $20 per person includes tee shirt and picnic. For further information contact Bill Hooper, 860-558-6037. Tickets may also be purchased at SYC fuel dock. Tickets go on sale May 2018.